Sunday 28 August 2005

Review: Herbie: Fully Loaded

Director : Angela Robinson
Main Cast : Lindsay Lohan, Justin Long, Michael Keaton

Ok, so normally I don’t really pay to watch these type of films, but then (a) it was the only film on show (besides Bewitched which was fully-booked), and (b) it’s got Lindsay Lohan. Enough said.

I can still remember watching the original Herbie films about 15 years ago on Saturday mornings during the school holidays. (Alam Ria cuti sekolah, kembali semula bersama-sama anda! Bergembira bersama, dalam rancangan Alam Ria di TV Tiiiiiga!) How I used to laugh and cheer at the antics of the car with a mind of its own. Man, to think how gullible and easily entertained I was at the time!

Anyway, the latest incarnation neither failed to meet my expectations, nor exceeded it. Lohan practically spent the whole film trying to look cute, and despite having a sizeable chest does her best to screech as high as possible most of the time. And it also confirmed her, sadly Michael Keaton, and (not so sadly) Matt Dillon as permanent B-movie stars. Though, looking at the recent output of the latter two, you could’ve seen it coming.

Herbie himself, with the help of CGI that wasn’t available back then, has added a few more assets to his repertoire, namely insane flips and a bigger range of “expressions”. Not that you might notice, though, as there were other bigger “assets” that really “filled” out the screen. Which, I guess, is really “fitting”, since the title is “Fully Loaded” after all.

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