Sunday 1 May 2005


Welcome to my Blog. Well, not actually a Blog per se, but more a place where I can put up my thoughts and feelings about the latest film releases, both at the cinema and DVDs. I may also occasionally put up something with nothing to do with any particular film, just a discussion maybe of something to do with the movie industry, or a rant on the state of the current Malaysian movie scene. Actually this is the long-delayed resumption of my series of reviews of 30-odd films from 1998 to 2000 on a previous site I had. Click
here for those reviews. Before you read on, a few notes of warning.

1. These are just my personal views on things, and you may (most probably) disagree. If you do disagree, I strongly encourage you to leave your comments/views, so maybe we can have some intelligent discussion on the matter.
2. To promote item (1) above, I feel that the only viable way for it to be done is if the reviews and resulting discussions are based on the whole film, including any twists and turns in the plot (which is the norm with most films nowadays). Therefore people, there are PLOT SPOILERS galore in the reviews. If you’re kind that doesn’t want to know the ending beforehand, then I strongly advise you to only read my reviews AFTER you see the film.
3. Please feel free to leave your comments, as the main objective why I’ve set up this Blog is to promote an active discussion on films. However, please don’t make any personal attacks towards me or any other “discussees”, or any remarks that may offend.

So that’s it guys! Again, please feel free to leave your comments. On my part, I’ll do my best to find the time to reply to your comments, and put up new reviews often. Enjoy!